Join us on Thursday 30th November (8pm in the Heritage Room, Corrandulla) when Seán Ó Gráinne will present and recount stories from his recently published book: “Ó Bhun A’Tobair (From the Bottom of the Well) Scéalta le Paddy Greaney.” Paddy Greaney (1925-2011), Seán’s father, was an Annaghdown native from the townland of Bunatober, and carried with him the rich folklore tradition of the locality. These stories, collated and edited by Seán, contain rich local history accounts of topics such as Landlords and Estates, White Boys, superstitons, and supernatural occurrences such as those on the Curraghline, Ballinduff and Knockma amongst others; along with more recent accounts of tariffs, rebel activities and the local effect of the Second World War on our locality. Tá cuid mhaith den leabhar scríofa as Gaeilge, agus is Gaelgeoir den scoth é Seán. Fáilte ‘gus fiche d’éinne gur suim leo labhairt linn as Gaeilge ar an oíche.
The book will be available to purchase on the night for €15. The evening’s proceedings will be available on Zoom. All are welcome. For Zoom link please see the event page at
Ó Bhun A’ Tobair: Scéalta le Paddy Greaney